LA County




Wed Jul 8, 2020



US States


title: "COVID-19"
    logo: rbmv_curve.png
    orientation: rows
    source_code: embed
    theme: flatly

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

```{r, include=FALSE}
# Packages

# imported functions
`%<>%` <- magrittr::`%<>%`

# adjust depending on when kniting
page_updated <- today()

# create the friendly label for value box
page_updated_string <- str_glue("{wday(page_updated, label = T)} {month(page_updated, label = T)} {day(page_updated)}, {year(page_updated)}")

# custom functions
get_bins <- function(.data, bins = 8) {
  #' use kmeans to automatically set sensible bins that represent the data well
  #' requires 'classInt' package
  #' @return a vector with 8 default bins
  intervals <- classIntervals(.data, n = bins, style = "kmeans", rtimes = 5)

# API key
mapbox <- read_lines(".mapbox-key")

# grab the html from the dph website
dph_covid19_page <- read_html("")

# only extract the table tags
dph_covid19_tbls <- dph_covid19_page %>%
  html_nodes("table") %>%

# just focu on grabbing the locations, cases, and deaths for lb and pass
dph_covid19_messy <- dph_covid19_tbls[[1]] %>%
  repair_names() %>%
  janitor::clean_names() %>%
  rename(locations = x1, total_cases = x2) %>%

# what we want to keep
keep <- "Long Beach|Pasadena"

# add the labels so we can 'tidyr::spread' in preparation for a future join
label <- c("cases_final", "cases_final", "deaths_final", "deaths_final")

# save only the lb/pass data
lb_pass <- dph_covid19_messy %>%
  filter(str_detect(locations, keep)) %>%

# add the labels
lb_pass$label <- label

# now spread and ensure the data types are correct for future join
lb_pass %<>%
  spread(label, total_cases) %>%
    locations = str_replace(locations, "--", "City of"),
    cases_final = parse_number(cases_final),
    deaths_final = parse_number(deaths_final))

# read the data from the DPH shiny app
data <- read_csv("")

# rename and join
dph_covid19 <- data %>%
  select(-X1) %>%
  rename(locations = geo_merge) %>%
    by = c("locations", "cases_final", "deaths_final"))

lac_total_cases <- dph_covid19 %>%
  summarise(total_cases = sum(cases_final))

lac_total_deaths <- dph_covid19 %>%
  summarise(total_deaths = sum(deaths_final))

# read the gis data
gis <- st_read(
  dsn = "data/gis/geo_export_871186bb-3266-4a1c-a0f6-8cda86b55d55.shp",
  layer = "geo_export_871186bb-3266-4a1c-a0f6-8cda86b55d55",
  quiet = T

# make sure the st is set correctly
gis %<>% st_transform(crs = 4326) %>%
  mutate(label = as.character.factor(label))

# join to cleaned data
lac_covid19 <- left_join(
  by = c("locations" = "label")) %>%
  rename(total_cases = cases_final, total_deaths = deaths_final) %>%

# get time series data from GitHub
covid19_cases <- read_csv("")

# same as above
covid19_deaths <- read_csv("")

# function to make sure we're getting the most current world data
make_link <- function(date) {
  date_format <- format(date, format = "%m-%d-%Y")
  link <- str_glue("{date_format}.csv")

# test the link
test_data <- function(date) {
  link <- make_link(date)
  status <- httr::http_status(httr::GET(link))

# if the link is correct, then get the world data
get_world_data <- function(date) {
  if (test_data(date) == "Success") {
  } else if (test_data(date) == "Client error") {
    return(make_link(date - 1))

# create link based on today's date
link <- get_world_data(today())

# now read it!
world <- read_csv(link)
world %<>% rename(long = Long_, lat = Lat)

covid19_time_series_cases <- covid19_cases %>%
  filter(Admin2 == "Los Angeles") %>%
  gather("date", "cases", 12:ncol(covid19_cases)) %>%
  select(Admin2, date, cases) %>%
  rename(county = Admin2) %>%
  mutate(date = parse_date(date, "%m/%d/%y"),
         case_type = "New Confirmed Case") %>%

covid19_time_series_deaths <- covid19_deaths %>%
  filter(Admin2 == "Los Angeles") %>%
  gather("date", "cases", 13:ncol(covid19_deaths)) %>%
  select(Admin2, date, cases) %>%
  rename(county = Admin2) %>%
  mutate(date = parse_date(date, "%m/%d/%y"),
         case_type = "Death") %>%

covid19_time_series <- bind_rows(covid19_time_series_cases, covid19_time_series_deaths)

covid19_cases %<>% mutate(Combined_Key = str_remove(Combined_Key, ", US"))

covid19_cases_top10_us <- covid19_cases %>%
  arrange(desc(.[[ncol(covid19_cases)]])) %>%
  slice(1:10) %>%
  gather("date", "cases", 12:ncol(covid19_cases)) %>%
  select(Combined_Key, date, cases) %>%
  rename(location = Combined_Key) %>%
    location = str_remove(location, ", US"),
    date = parse_date(date, "%m/%d/%y"),
    case_type = "New Confirmed Case") %>%

covid19_state_cases <- covid19_cases %>%
  filter(iso3 == "USA") %>%
  gather("date", "cases", 12:ncol(covid19_cases)) %>%
  rename(state = Province_State) %>%
  group_by(state, date) %>%
  summarise(cases = sum(cases)) %>%
  mutate(date = parse_date(date, "%m/%d/%y"))

light_blue <- rbmv_pal("main", plotly = T)[1]
ruby <- rbmv_pal("main", plotly = T)[2]
pale_black <- rbmv_pal("main", plotly = T)[5]

sd <- SharedData$new(covid19_cases_top10_us, ~location, "Select a city")

LA County {data-icon="fa-map"}

Row {data-height=510}


bins <- get_bins(lac_covid19$total_cases, bins = 12)

pal <- colorBin(
  palette = rbmv_pal("spectrum", plotly = T),
  domain = lac_covid19$total_cases,
  bins = bins)

lac_covid19 %>%
  leaflet() %>%
  addTiles(mapbox, attribution = paste("Data from Los Angeles County Department of Public Health COVID-19 location table")) %>%
    fillColor = ~pal(total_cases),
    weight = 1.5,
    fillOpacity = 0.7,
    smoothFactor = 0.5,
    color = "white",
    label = ~str_glue(
Total cases: {scales::comma(total_cases)}
Total deaths: {scales::comma(total_deaths)}
Population: {scales::comma(population)}
") %>% map(htmltools::HTML), labelOptions = labelOptions( style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"), textsize = "15px", direction = "auto")) %>% addLegend( pal = pal, values = ~total_cases, opacity = 0.7, title = NULL, position = "bottomright") %>% setView(-118.2, 34, zoom = 9.5) ``` Row {data-height=400} ------------------------------------- ### ```{r} source <- list( x = 1, y = -0.25, text = "Source: 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV)\nData Repository by Johns Hopkins CSSE", showarrow = F, xref = "paper", yref = "paper", xanchor = "right", yanchor = "auto", xshif = 0, yshift = 0, font = list(size = 12, color = "grey") ) base <- plot_ly(sd, color = I(rbmv_pal(plotly = T)[6]), height = 320) %>% group_by(location) left_bar <- base %>% add_bars(x = ~cases, y = ~location, hoverinfo = "text", text = ~paste("Click bar to highlight line
on the left")) %>% layout( barmode = "overlay", xaxis = list(title = ""), yaxis = list( title = "", categoryorder = "max ascending") ) right_line <- base %>% add_lines(x = ~date, y = ~cases, alpha = 0.3, hoverinfo = "text", text = ~paste("
Location: ", location, "
Case type: ", case_type, "x Log Scale", "
Cases: ", scales::comma(cases))) %>% layout(xaxis = list(title = ""), yaxis = list(type = "log")) subplot(left_bar, right_line, titleX = TRUE, widths = c(.3, .7)) %>% layout(title = "How does Los Angeles County compare to other major outbreak centers", margin = list(l = 120, b = 40), annotations = source) %>% hide_legend() %>% highlight("plotly_click", color = rbmv_pal(plotly = T)[2]) %>% config(displayModeBar = FALSE) ``` Row {data-height=110} ------------------------------------- ### ```{r} valueBox(page_updated_string, color = light_blue, icon = "fa-calendar", caption = "Data pulled from both LAC DPH and John Hopkins CSSE") ``` ### ```{r} total_cases <- scales::comma(last(lac_total_cases$total_cases)) valueBox(total_cases, color = ruby, icon = "fa-ambulance", caption = "Total Lab Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in LAC") ``` ### ```{r} total_deaths <- scales::comma(last(lac_total_deaths$total_deaths)) valueBox(total_deaths, color = pale_black, icon = "fa-medkit", caption = "Total COVID-19 Related Deaths") ``` US States {data-icon="fa-chart-line"} ===================================== ### ```{r} bins <- get_bins(covid19_state_cases$cases, bins = 8) colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(9, "YlOrRd") normalize <- function(x) round((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)), 4) state_colors <- tibble(range = bins, hex = colors) %>% mutate(range = normalize(range)) plot_ly(covid19_state_cases) %>% filter(date >= "2020-03-15") %>% add_heatmap(x = ~date, y = ~state, z = ~cases, colorscale = state_colors, xgap = .8, opacity = .85, showscale = F, text = ~paste( "Date: ", date, "
State: ", state, "
Total confirmed cases: ", scales::comma(cases)), hoverinfo = "text") %>% layout( title = "COVID19 Cases by State", xaxis = list(title = ""), yaxis = list(title = "", categoryorder = "max ascending", side = "right")) %>% config(displayModeBar = FALSE) ``` Global {data-icon="fa-globe"} ===================================== ### ```{r} bins <- get_bins(world$Confirmed, bins = 12) pal <- colorBin( palette = rbmv_pal("warm", plotly = T), domain = world$Confirmed, bins = bins) label <- str_glue("Location: {world$Combined_Key}
Cases: {scales::comma(world$Confirmed)}
Deaths: {scales::comma(world$Deaths)}
Active: {scales::comma(world$Active)}
Recovered: {scales::comma(world$Recovered)}
Last Update: {world$Last_Update}") %>% lapply(htmltools::HTML) world %>% leaflet() %>% addTiles(mapbox, attribution = paste("Data from Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE")) %>% addCircleMarkers( lng = ~long, lat = ~lat, label = ~label, color = ~pal(Confirmed), radius = ~ifelse(Confirmed >= 30000, 25, 15), stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = .7, clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions( showCoverageOnHover = FALSE), labelOptions = labelOptions( style = list("font-weight" = "normal", padding = "3px 8px"), textsize = "15px", direction = "auto")) %>% addLegend(title = "COVID-19 Cases", opacity = 0.6, pal = pal, values = ~Confirmed, position = "bottomright") ```